Reiki Healing, Spiritual Counselling & Lymphatic Drainage For Your Mental, Spiritual & Physical Wellbeing


 Advanced massage technology for greater health and wellbeing.

Slip into Body Ballancer’s patented inflating compression garments, lie back and enjoy a wonderfully relaxing or invigorating massage.

The Body Ballancer® uses patent protected inflating compression garments to apply a gentle or firm massage. Each garment contains 24 individual air chambers that overlap to apply fluent compression strokes that target every inch of the treated area.

This massage motion, with its specific direction of flow from the base of the limb to the torso, increases circulation and gently but thoroughly decongests the problem areas of hips, thighs, buttocks (Ballancer® pants) and upper arms (Ballancer® jacket).

The Body Ballancer® action accelerates the removal of waste products and excess fluid via the lymphatic system, reducing the appearance of cellulite, improving skin tone, and reducing volume in areas affected by excess fluid retention whilst Its gentle, rhythmic action promotes relaxation whilst boosting immune system function.


A slimmer silhouette and reduced water retention

Improve fat loss with better circulation

Body Ballancer® is widely used by athletes because of the way it improves blood flow around the body, aiding muscle recovery. But that improved circulation also has other benefits, especially for those who struggle to lose weight. Many of us find it difficult to eliminate fat from these stubborn areas, even when we have a relatively healthy diet and exercise regularly.

How Body Ballancer® can help: Regular use of Body Ballancer® can help improve circulation to those problem areas, supporting your body’s natural efforts to burn fat and helping to support your weight-loss goals.

Remove excess fluid and reduce swelling

Sometimes it isn’t fat causing a problem, it’s water retention. Your lymphatic system is responsible for removing fluids from your body, but when it doesn’t function as it should, this can lead to swelling in the feet, legs, arms, thighs or abdomen.

How Body Ballancer® can help: The gentle, wave-like action of Body Ballancer® stimulates the lymphatic system, helping it effectively remove excess fluid and reduce swelling. Many notice a real difference in just a single session.


Feel more relaxed, tackle stress and get a better night’s sleep

Modern life can be pretty full-on. And when we’re stressed, that’s not just bad for our mental health, but for our physical health as well.

Stress is believed to be the cause of up to 80% of all chronic health issues, and is one of the major causes of poor lymphatic health.

That’s because when we’re stressed, our bodies kick into gear and produce the stress-fighting hormone cortisol, which has been shown to hinder lymphatic flow. Chronic exposure can actually interfere with our immune system, making us more susceptible to illness.

The waste products left behind by cortisol are called free radicals, which many health experts believe to be a leading cause of premature ageing.

How Body Ballancer® can help: Body Ballancer’s gentle massage technique doesn’t just leave you feeling calmer, more relaxed and ready for a better night’s sleep, it also helps your body eliminate stress-related free radicals, keeping your lymphatic system healthy and free flowing.


Natural detoxing and a stronger immune system

There are many faddy ways to detox, but the simple fact remains that our bodies already come complete with an array of amazing detoxing organs, all of which support by our incredible lymphatic system.

The problem is, however, that stress, poor diet, pollution and a less-active lifestyle can all overwhelm the lymphatic system, leading to a build up of toxins and other waste. In turn, this can cause problems such as swelling, bloating, joint pain, headaches and fatigue – as well as compromise your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness.

Eating healthier, drinking less alcohol and exercising more are all great ways to help you detox, but you can also give your body a boost with Body Ballancer®.

How Body Ballancer® can help: A gentle Body Ballancer® massage targets the lymphatic system, helping to flush out toxins and helping you avoid many of their associated problems. It can also give your immune system the boost it needs to help fight off illness and disease.


Enjoy firmer skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite

It’s a problem many of us face. In fact, around nine out of 10 women of all ages get those problem areas of dimpled, lumpy skin we all know and hate as cellulite.

The layer of fat just underneath our skin is organised into chambers and held in place by a network of connective tissue. As we age, gain weight or suffer a build-up of toxins, the tissue is unable to flex well to accommodate the extra volume. This can cause fat cells to protrude upwards, giving the skin a bumpy appearance.

Importantly, if the blood supply to the area and / or the lymphatic system is compromised, this build up of fat and toxins increases.

While a healthier lifestyle and regular exercise can make a difference, increasing the flow of blood and oxygen to problem areas can take improvements to another level. And that’s where Body Ballancer® has been shown to make a dramatic difference.

How Body Ballancer® can help: Regular Body Ballancer® massages boost circulation and bring healthy oxygenated blood to the treated areas. This helps to effectively break down the build up of cellulite, reducing volume and slimming, firming and smoothing affected skin.


Recover faster and reduce muscle soreness after exercise

We all know that exercise is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. And while a good run or workout can help us feel more energised, muscle soreness afterwards isn’t only unpleasant, but it can also increase the amount of recovery time we need, affecting our fitness goals.

Widely used by personal trainers, athletes and professional sports teams, Body Ballancer® can help you before and after exercise to improve your physical performance.

How Body Ballancer® can help: Slip into the Body Ballancer® after exercise and enjoy a relaxing, deep-tissue massage. Body Ballancer’s special wave action moves along your legs, loosening tight muscle fibres while breaking down and removing lactic acid and other toxins from your system.

Body Ballancer® increases the flow of oxygenated blood, helping you feel lighter and less sore. It also recharges your muscles faster, ready for the rest of your day or your next work out.

You can also use Body Ballancer® before exercise. The increased flow of blood and oxygen helps to warm up your muscles without expanding the valuable energy you need for your session.


How often do I need to have treatments?

Cellulite and skin tone improvements usually require a course, for optimum results it is recommended a series of 12 treatments spread over three to four weeks consecutively

For bloating and puffiness caused by excess water retention, significant results can be obtained in as little as one session.


For hygiene and comfort, please ensure you wear trousers/leggings and socks for the bottom half Body Ballancer treatment. Similarly, please wear a long sleeved cotton shirt/t-shirt for the top half Body Balance treatment.


Sessions are £65.00 for a 45 minute treatment.

Prices for courses available upon request .

All sessions are payable in advance of booking. All courses are payable in full. All major credit cards accepted

Get in touch.

If you would like to book a session on the Body Ballancer or discuss your individual needs please contact me on 07970 277495 or, or drop me a message by filling out the form below.